Baltimore Prayer Network





A Prayer Manual for the Battlefield

With more than 250,000 copies sold, this book is the in-demand, definitive guide to intercessory prayer. Join international leader Cindy Jacobs as she equips you to be a victorious prayer warrior. Full of wisdom and strategic information, Cindy addresses these essential topics--and more:

· the call to prayer
· the nature and purpose of intercession
· spiritual accountability
· prophetic intercession and praise
· prayer watches and walks
· spiritual warfare


Become a World-Shaper


Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer—prayer that will change the world!